Juicy Fix Pack


Juicy Fix, our Mini Cleanse, perfect for those who prefer to juice through the day then sit down to a healthy evening meal.

The Juicy Fix Pack offers 3 x 500ml cold pressed juices which can be consumed in place of meals to give the beautiful benefits juicing brings.  Packed with incredibly tasty cold-pressed juices and our luxuriously creamy and silky cashew-based mylk, this Juicy Fix Pack is bursting with goodness that might not always be present in your usual meals!

Whilst on the juice cleanse aim to drink 2-3 litres  of water a day however, we recommend waiting about 30 minutes between drinking water and juice, for maximum nutrient absorption. Herbal teas can be enjoyed throughout your cleanse but caffeine should be avoided.

All of our juices are natural, raw and cold-pressed.  Each of our Cleanse Packages are Nutritionist approved and all juices are made fresh to order.

*  All juices are made in an environment where nuts and other allergens are present.

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